Vejjasala, located just outside the village of Wingello in the Southern Highlands of NSW, is the retreat centre of the Association of Engaged Buddhists. The name, Vejjasala, means a place for healing.

If you are interested in hiring Vejjasala as a venue, please contact the Association at with details of your event. Please note: Vejjasala has a general total capacity of about 15 retreatants. The centre has excellent accommodation and cooking facilities, however on-site catering is not available.
- A Day of Calm Retreat led by Alise KhaSep 2024 On Saturday, 28 September 2024, Alise Kha organised an enriching day retreat at the Vejjasala Retreat Centre, focusing on an introduction to mindfulness meditation. Set amidst the serene natural surroundings of the retreat centre, Vejjasala provided an ideal environment for participants to immerse themselves in the practice. Throughout the day, attendees engaged in guided meditations,…
- Kookaburra Sangha retreat at VejjasalaOct 2024 The Kookaburra sangha of inner west Sydney are birds on a secular path. We meet weekly, alternately online and in person. We relish any opportunity to spend more time together to explore the dharma. The last time the sangha had its own retreat was pre-Covid in 2019, at Vejjasala. We enjoyed the Place…
People come to do a retreat at Vejjasala for many reasons but they usually amount to the same thing – seeking a way to overcome the difficulties of life. Those difficulties may be physical, such as illness or injury, or the need to develop strength and resilience for the challenges of everyday living. The spaciousness and stillness of Vejjasala, the warmth of the teachers and volunteer staff create a supportive environment for letting go of the struggles and finding the joy in everyday life.
The teachings of the Buddha (the Dhamma), the practice of mindfulness meditation and the cultivation of kindness, joy, compassion and equanimity are the tools we use to deal with life’s difficulties. Practicing meditation develops our ability to pay attention to what’s happening each moment and to see clearly the truth of our experience. The Buddha’s teachings help us to recognise and let go of the common habits of mind and the patterns of behaviour which limit our freedom and increase our dissatisfaction. Cultivating attitudes of kindness allows us to treat ourselves and others with compassion and to find the joy in everyday life.
Our retreats are open to all, whether beginning or experienced meditators. Some retreats are aimed at supporting people with physical injury or illness to develop their capacity for self-healing and happiness, others are aimed at developing skill in managing thoughts and emotions. Many of our retreats include a gentle yoga practice to stretch, relax and increase our awareness of the body. To find out more about our retreats, visit the Vejjasala Retreat Experience page.
Whatever your starting point we hope to see you soon at Vejjasala. In the words of the Buddha we invite you to ‘come and see for yourself’ how these teachings and meditation practices can increase your well being in heart and mind.
Vejjasala Re-Opening and Mini Food Fair – Feb 22

We were excited to welcome a large number of members and friends back to Wingello for the official re-opening of Vejjasala on Sunday 4th December. It was beautiful weather and with the delicious food and friendly company, a suitable way to celebrate the Association’s 30-year journey form a small flat in Dulwich Hill to a fully-functional retreat centre in Wingello!

Joined by Sister Sudhira, Sister Karunika and other nuns from Santi Forest Monastery, along with Venerable Zheng Yun Shi Abbot of Ding Hui Monastery Campsie (from whom Vejjasala was originally purchased, Bhante Tejadhammo led a brief ceremony and short Dhamma talk, particularly encouraging us all to reflect on the gratitude we owe, particularly in regard to those members and friends who have now passed away, but without whom the vision behind Vejjasala would never have come to reality.
Some of these great friends include:
- Lily Koo
- Serge Bodlander
- Dr Ong Liang Siang
- Maggie Raebbe
- Paget Sayers
- Paul Grandi
- Ayya Santa
- Win Parry
- Raehle Cheney
- Nicholas Diamondes

We would also like to acknowledge the following donors and contributors:
- Mrs Surangani Kulasinghe and Sewwanndee and Mark Charman
- Damayanthi Wickremerante
- Lyndsay and Gail Edmonds
- Noel and Natasha Pearson
- Michael Chuah
- David Denton and Pip Gallagher
- Ian Jones
- Stuart Crofts

The re-opening would not have been such a success without the contribution of our many volunteers and donors on the day too (apologies if anyone is missing from this list!):
- Jim Teoh and Family
- Lee Lee and K K Lee
- Tan Hong Chai and family
- Ng Joo Siong and Family
- Meredith Tan and Andy Yam
- Jimmy and Annie Lou
- Su See Lim and Family
- Jennifer and Francis Kok
- Dorothy Jackson
- Denis Jenkins and Bee Poh Yeoh
- David and Pip
- Tina and Zen
- Jack Fair
- Zach Burgess

We also took the opportunity to thank long-standing Committee members who are stepping down this year, along with David Wilson, whose contribution and time spent on the Vejjasala renovation has been incalculable.
- Molly Lim has been Immediate Past President over the past year, but as a founding member of the Association and many years as President, has devoted innumerable hours over more than 25 years to developing the Association and supporting Venerable Tejadhammo in so many ways. Her contribution, energy, honesty and devotion cannot be underestimated and we all owe her a debt of gratitude for her work.
- Sue Toohey has also stepped down from the Committee after a similar period of contribution as Molly and many years on the Committee in various roles, including President for longer than anyone else! Sue’s contributions are many, from her long-standing warmth and guidance both on the Committee and on a personal level to many members; her many years teaching for the Association, both Dhamma and Yoga; and her presence at every single event held by the Association over the years.
- Alex Lee has been the rock on which much of the Association’s activities in recent years have stood. He has been an able and effective Treasurer, masterful Food Fair coordinator, and expert volunteer and retreat coordinator at Vejjasala. Alex’s quiet good humour and unfailing energy have been evident in every activity and the sheer hard work he has devoted over the past few years in particular should not be underestimated.
We hope you enjoy the photos here and continue to make use of and support Vejjasala in years ahead!
Vejjasala Redevelopment – 22nd Feb 2022
Even with the challenging times we are facing, much has been achieved in regard to the Vejjasala renovation which is, bar a few minor jobs, essentially complete.
Work has now begun on sifting through the detritus of 10 years accumulated items and setting up the new space to hopefully accommodate both Association and other groups’ retreats in 2022. The results are exceptional with a fully-functional, council-compliant retreat centre able to accommodate 16 attendees including a dedicated accessible bedroom and bathroom.
Great thanks and gratitude are due to Alex Lee and the other volunteers who conducted a clean-up day on Sat 8th January as well as Sat 19th February, along with Pip and Dave Denton whose indefatigable work on the property continues unabated. Of course, ur Committee member and architect David Wilson, who has designed the renovations and overseen all the building work has made an inestimable contribution to the future of the centre.
We hope to work on a regular schedule of retreats and other events for 2022 soon once we have a clearer picture of the COVID situation.
Bringing the main building into compliance as a public building will give us a great platform from which to gradually expand our activities at Vejjasala, both in our informal member retreats and longer structured opportunities for members and interested members of the wider community to deepen their practice. Future projects will include providing more accommodation by replacing the cottage destroyed by the fires and a meditation sala.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the building fund for future development of the property, please find relevant details here.
Best wishes,
Chris Burgess
Vejjasala Completion and Cleanup – Sat 19th Feb 2022

Vejjasala Completion and Cleanup – Sat 8th Jan 2022

Vejjasala Work in Progress Photos

Vejjasala & Southern Highlands bushfires
The January 2020 fires significantly impacted the bushland around Vejjasala and encroached on the perimeter of the retreat centre grounds, but thankfully the main retreat centre building and grassed areas around it were untouched. The Cottage and a few kutis that were situated in bushland settings were lost but kutis in the open grassed areas were untouched.

Comments made by participants in Vejjasala retreats in 2012
On the accommodation
‘Very comfortable bed and hot shower!’
‘Very clean and comfortable, thank you.’
’10 out of 10.’
On the catering
‘Meals were delicious, well-timed, plentiful.’
‘Could not have been better. SO many thanks to our wonderful chefs.’
‘The meals were superb. Congratulations to the cooks!’
‘It’s excellent, too perfect. Like a 5-start resort!’
‘Excellent food in every way: quality, quantity, timing. Thank you chefs. You could taste the metta in the meals!’
On the retreat generally
‘Wonderful, highly beneficial retreat.’
‘The balance was good, especially the time to rest in the beautiful surrounds.’
‘Beautiful place, wonderful teaching. Trust the place will grow and prosper.’
‘A wonderful, beneficial experience.’
‘Becoming a part of the retreat with its intrinsic and extrinsic rhythms was healing. Bhante’s teaching and presence was pivotal. Thank you.’
‘Very grateful for the yoga sessions. The exercises definitely help with the stretching and relaxing of muscles in preparing for sitting meditation. The breathing incorporated also support the mindfulness of the breath in meditation.’
‘A real delight to be here and be a part of it.’