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March Informal Retreat for AEB Members
25 March 2022 @ 5:00 pm – 27 March 2022 @ 2:00 pm
Informal meditation retreat for AEB members at Vejjasala

About this event
Vejjasala, located just outside the village of Wingello in the Southern Highlands of NSW, is the retreat centre of the Association of Engaged Buddhists (AEB). The name, Vejjasala, means a place for healing.
AEB informal retreats are held at Vejjasala for Association Members/Friends only. Only those who have held membership for at least three months are eligible for these retreats. For more information on joining AEB, please check our website.
Informal retreats are held from Friday afternoon/evenings through to Sunday lunchtime. Tickets are assigned strictly on a first-come, first-served basis via Eventrbite.
- We are requiring that all attendees conduct a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) within 24 hours of attending the retreat. Take a photo of your result and email to office@engagedbuddhists.org.au in order to be able to attend the retreat.
- All attendees must be fully vaccinated and send a screenshot of vaccination status along with RAT test results per the above. This is to ensure the safety of all members attending the retreat.
Adequate social distancing, hand-washing and other sensible measure should be followed by all attendees.
It should be noted that participants attend these informal retreats entirely at their own discretion and should consider their own risks and responsibilities in regard to COVID. While reasonable efforts will be taken in regard to providing a safe environment, the Association takes no responsibility for individuals’ behaviour or health consequences arising from attending a retreat. Obviously if you are experiencing any symptoms, please do not attend the retreat and notify the organisers at office@engagedbuddhists.org.au.
As these retreats will not be formally catered or coordinated beyond a few basics, a set charge will not be required, with participants encouraged to donate to the Association according to their means. Details for how to donate will be provided upon registration. A suggested minimum of $30/night in order to cover running expenses would be appreciated.
Attendees will be asked to choose a group meal to contribute to, either by bringing ingredients and cooking on-site or pre-prepared meals. Meals will be coordinated in cooperation with attendees by the Retreat Coordinator.
Other than shared meals, these retreats are designed for self-reflection and meditation, with no formal timings for practice or other activities. As such they are not really designed for those seeking instruction on beginning meditation.
Attendees will be asked to contribute to the ongoing maintenance of Vejjasala by spending some time on one or more of the various maintenance tasks that are necessary at the time. A list of current/ongoing jobs will be distributed with registration and participants are welcome to contribute to these activities either during the retreat or upon its completion (i.e. after lunch on Sunday). The Retreat Coordinator will be able to provide guidance on these tasks at the retreat.
While we won’t be conducting these retreats strictly in noble silence, we’d encourage a sense of mindfulness in speech and, outside of shared meals and not to disturb/speak to other participants or hold conversations unless necessary. In this way retreatants can better stay with their own experience, moment by moment.
Vejjasala is a safe and inclusive space for LGBTQIA+ people.
If you have any questions regarding the retreat, please email the Retreat Coordinator at office@engagedbuddhists.org.au.